
How To Get Rid Of Cicadas Home Remedies

Cicada Control: How To Get Rid of Cicadas

This page is a general Cicada control guide. Using the products and methods suggested you will reduce the likelihood of Cicadas. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and we guarantee a great reduction in the population of Cicadas.

Cicada infestations are an issue that often springs up in the late spring or early part of summer and can be a noisy problem to deal with. Depending on your region you might have annual (which emerge every year), periodical (which emerge every 13 to 17 years in large numbers) or proto-periodical (which emerge every year, but also emerge in heavy numbers after many years) cicadas.

Cicadas are flying insects that are usually 1 inch or greater in size. They have transparent wings and are known for their mating songs. They produce one of the loudest sounds by any insect and each species have their own unique song.

Cicadas might be big, loud, and scary looking but they do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases. They can be a nuisance pest when they invade homes by the thousands and suck the sap of your trees which in large numbers could injure your plants.

If you want to remove Cicadas from your yard, follow along with our guide below which lays out our top tips and recommendations for Cicada Control.


Identification is essential for control. Before you can treat you need to make be sure you're dealing with Cicadas and you can't do that if you don't know what Cicadas look like. Below you can find some common characteristics of Cicadas.

  • At 2 and ½ inches to 3 inches long as adults, Cicadas are quite large, you can't miss them! The ones you find in America are two species known as Dog-day cicadas (because they usually appear in July or August, "the dog days of summer") and Periodical cicadas.
  • Cicadas have large transparent wings and are known for their unique loud songs and mating calls which varies by species.
  • Body color will vary by species but could be metallic black to green to reddish-brown among many others.
  • Cicada eyes could vary in color depending on the species species, but usually black bright red.

Use the image and description above to help you in properly identifying Cicadas. If you are not entirely sure, contact us and one of our pros will assist you with proper Cicada identification.


the yard inspection cicadas

Once you have confirmed that you are encountering Cicadas on your property, you can then move forward with an inspection. During this phase, you will need to locate the areas Cicadas are infesting and the trees they are feeding on. During the inspection, you will focus on finding Cicada activity.

Where To Inspect

Since most infestations happen outdoors, search outside. Search in trees and shrubs and ornamentals in your property. Depending on the species they can be found in a variety of places, but usually, are found near undisturbed woody areas where nymphs can grow underground by feeding on roots.

What To Look For

You're looking for Cicadas. They will usually perch in their host trees and sing away attracting other Cicadas. They might blend in with the tree so look closely. The best thing to do is to follow the sound they make. This is the easiest way of inspecting your property of Cicadas. This should lead you straight to the trees they are infesting.


Once you have confirmed Cicada activity, it is time to begin treatment. Remember to first read all product labels and follow the application instructions on these labels, and stay safe by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

We recommend applying Reclaim IT as an outdoor treatment to your yard ornamentals and trees and as a barrier treatment to both kill and repel Cicadas that are settling on your property.

Step 1 - Outdoor Treatment with Reclaim IT

cicada treatment reclaim it

Reclaim IT is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is labeled for treating over 70 different pests, including Cicadas. It also has a long residual effect that can continue to control pests for up to 90 days after application. Calculate the square footage of your yard to determine how much Reclaim IT you need to cover the entire area (length x width = square footage). 0.25 to 0.5 ounces of Reclaim IT with a gallon of water will treat 1,000 square feet.

Once mixed, you will do a perimeter treatment which means spraying 3 feet up and 3 feet out from the foundation of your structure. While spraying in this manner, also treat window frames, door frames, eaves, soffits, cracks and crevices, and electrical/plumbing penetrations.

You will want to spray your whole yard, excluding fruit-bearing trees and gardens. Start at the back of your yard, and make your way to the front spraying your whole lawn. Also, spray ornamentals and small shrubs.

Do not let people or pets enter areas treated until 2 to 4 hours have passed.


prevention cicadas

After you have eliminated the Cicadas from your property, you don't want them making a comeback. Depending on your location, you can predict the year, season, and month when Cicadas will emerge from the ground and begin swarming. Here are some preventative measures to carry out:

  • Reapply Reclaim IT a month in advance before Cicadas are expected to emerge. In locations where you get annual species of Cicadas, treatments will usually occur in late summer and early spring, but double-check to be completely sure.
  • Also, make sure to keep your trees and shrubs well-trimmed before Cicadas emerge this will ensure they will not have a place to lay their eggs.
  • Do not plant trees two years in advanced when Cicadas are expected to emerge since they will stunt their growth and possibly kill them. If you have planted trees, it is best to protect them with fine mesh meeting to prevent Cicadas from coming close.

Key Takeaways

What are Cicadas?

  • Cicadas are a common infestation of large flying insects that occurs during the summer and can be heard clearly from the Cicada's noisy mating calls.

How to Get Rid of Cicadas

  • A broadcast application of Reclaim IT to your trees, shrubs and entire yard can control Cicadas.

Preventing Cicada Reinfestation

  • Apply Reclaim IT prior to the Cicada mating season to prevent their presence on your property.
  • You should also keep trees and shrubs well-trimmed to take away Cicada hiding spaces and egg laying areas.

How To Get Rid Of Cicadas Home Remedies


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